We will hold a special presentation by TM C.J.Marks at the October hybrid regular meeting of Naniwa TMC. How much do you really know about Toastmasters? Did you know that Toastmasters has a sister organization? Did you know that Toastmasters is very different now than it was not too long ago? Do you know the history of Toastmasters? And what do you know about ITC-J, Interactive Training in Communication- Japan?
In this session TM C.J. Marks will educate, entertain and enlighten you about some surprising facts that you may not know about Toastmasters, in addition to offering insight as to why every Toastmaster in District 76 should learn about, and become involved in ITC-J. Since the room can only accept a limited number of people, guests’ applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis for joining at the venue, but you can join us online freely.
Please click here,
https://naniwatmc.wixsite.com/public/home#%E3%81%8A%E5%95%8F%E3%81%84%E5%90%88%E3%82%8F%E3%81%9B And you will find “Contact” on the “Home” tab. If you hope to join us in the venue, please include a message.
We’ll let you know the result.
As for participants online, the Zoom URL will be sent to you before the October meeting.
Naniwa Toastmasters Club
