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Naniwa Toastmasters Club’s #267 Regular meeting


Today was the last regular meeting of 2023 and was a hybrid meeting.

The Table Topics session filled with timely tips for living a vibrant life. The three characteristic speeches included the ultimate impromptu speeches, a proposal to improve your life through the usefulness of a diary, and a very interesting participatory speech with music-related Fourier Transform. Toastmaster of the day (MC)completed his first major role with careful preparations. Timer was also very reliable and carried out her role perfectly. The Formal Speech Evaluators were very enthusiastic and pointed out good points of each speech and gave helpful advice. Ah-counter used her listening skills to organize the meeting well. Grammarian focused on how to use prepositions and how to differentiate the nuances between infinitives and present participles. The General Evaluator was an experienced member who evaluated the entire meeting in a way that accurately highlighted the points and motivated the members. As usual, the club President's inclusiveness made the meeting a wonderful one.

Kazumi Watanabe VPPR 今年最後の例会 そして、忘年会。






実は、今回わたしが一番楽しみにしていたのは、TさんがToastmaster of the Day として

MC デビューすることでした。

前回はG さんがMCデビューし、新しい方々が次々に初めての役に挑戦するのを見守るのは教育係とても嬉しいことです。

今日、T さんは落ち着いて司会されていてとっても素敵でしたよ。来年はじめはSさんかな?


Toastmasters Club では自分の経験に応じて、例会の役割をこなしていくうちに自然にToastmasters Club になじんでいき、英語にも慣れていきます。あなたも仲間になって、いっしょに例会をつくっていきませんか?そして、自然に英語を身に着けていきませんか?


司会のT さんはオーストラリアから、S さんはセネガルから、Hさんは関東からオンラインで参加され、まさにグローバルな例会となりました。皆さん、1年間お疲れ様でした。そして、ありがとうございました。


例会後は、スペイン料理のレストランへ。大阪の夜景を眺めながら、おいしいお酒とお料理をいただきながら話はつきません。お食事会では、英語の上達の秘訣なんかも、ベテランのメンバーから教えてもらったりもします。とても素敵な時間でした。企画してくださったS さん、ありがとうございました。次回は、オンラインの皆さんも参加して、いろんなお話ができたらいいなと思っています。 西川政美

VPE The last meeting of the year and the year-end party.

On December 16th (Saturday), the last meeting of the year was held.

It was a hybrid meeting format connecting Namba Civic Learning Center and online participation.

Actually, what I was most looking forward to this time was T-san's debut as Toastmaster of the Day, the MC. Last time, G-san made the MC debut, and it's always a delight for the education committee to watch new members take on their roles for the first time. Today, T-san hosted with composure and was wonderful. I wonder if S-san will be next at the beginning of next year.

At Toastmasters Club, as you take on meeting roles according to your experience, you naturally become accustomed to the club and get used to English. Why not join us and create meetings together? And, wouldn't it be great to naturally acquire English?


The host T-san is from Australia, S-san is from Senegal, and H-san participated online from Kanto, making it a truly global meeting. Everyone, thank you for your hard work over the past year. And, thank you very much.


After the meeting, we went to a Spanish restaurant. While enjoying delicious food and drinks, the conversation continued with a view of the night scenery of Osaka. During the meal, we also learned tips for improving English from veteran members. It was a wonderful time. Thank you, S-san, for planning it. I hope that next time, everyone online can join, and we can have various conversations. Masami Nishikawa






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