Division Fスピーチコンテスト(日本語、英語)が4月17日にオンラインで開催されました。関西地区で勝ち上がって来られた計12人のコンテスタントのスピーチトピックは人生訓、子育て、仕事で担当したプロジェクト、なんとか切り抜けた苦境等々。7分半の制限時間内にぎゅっと凝縮されたそれぞれの世界を展開してみせ、観衆を魅了しました。
Division F speech contests (Japanese and English) were held online on April 17th. 12 contestants who've won two lower level contests in Kansai area presented brilliant speeches about life lessons, episodes from work, child rearing, predicaments and so on. They charmed the audience by presenting their unique worlds within the 7min.30sec.- time limit .
Interviewer sessions held right after the each contest added fun to the contests.
The interviewers were Naniwa TMC's veteran members Ms. W and Ms. K.
Their clever questions revealed the personality of each contestant, and their heartfelt feedback created warm atmosphere.
We learned valuable tips for speech making through questions such as "How did you find the speech topic?", "Which part of the speech you feel good doing?", or "Which part shows your creativity the most?" Most of the contestants expressed their gratitude to their fellow Toastmasters who gave advice to help them polish their speeches.
Posted by Y.S.