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We have a 2nd time hybrid meeting (online and on-sight at OCAT both). It was so fun and exciting meeting. Today we have 4 speeches and one of these is Ice Brake speech from a new member! Let me introduce her feeling just after her ice breaker speech!!










Today, I delivered my very first speech.

The first speech is called an "Ice breaker speech" that includes a self-introduction.

I wrote a script about my favorite food "shaved ice" and some other related episodes.

My big challenge was to present it well in public.I've made only a few public presentations in my life..., so I practiced a looooooot!

It may be the first time in decades that I have worked so hard on one thing.arket, and while cooking. I practiced about 100 times. Almost like chanting (laugh).

During the actual speech, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking.

However, I managed to finish my speech without making serious mistakes and even received the best prize!

It may be the first time in decades that I haveworked so hard on one thing.

Now I am filled with a feeling of accomplishment and miss thinking about my speech at the same time.




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2025  3/15 (Sat.)14:00-16:30 *Online
2025  4/19 (Sat.)14:00-16:30 *Hybrid
2025  5/17 (Sat.)14:00-16:30 *Online
2025  6/21 (Sat) 14:00-16:30 *Hybrid


OCAT 4th floor Citizen Learning Center

Directly connected to JRJR Yamato Line (Kansai Main Line)/JR Namba Station *OCAT (B1F)

To the west from Namba Station (northwest/northeast ticket gates) on the Subway Midosuji Line,

Approximately 5 minutes walk through underground Namba Walk and OCAT Walk (Moving Walk).

Approximately 2-3 minutes walk from Namba Station on the Yotsubashi Subway Line (North Ticket Gate) and Sennichimae Line (West Ticket Gate)

Approximately 2-3 minutes walk from Osaka Namba Station on the Private Railway Hanshin Namba Line and Kintetsu Namba Line (west ticket gate)

1-3 minutes walk from the city bus JR Namba Ekimae stop

OCAT 4階 市民学習センター

JRJR 大和路線(関西本線)・JR 難波駅直結 ※OCAT(B1F)

地下鉄地下鉄 御堂筋線・なんば駅(北西・北東改札口)より西へ、
地下街なんばウォーク、OCATウォーク(ムービングウォーク)を 通り徒歩約5分。
地下鉄 四つ橋線(北改札口)、地下鉄 千日前線(西改札口)各なんば駅から徒歩約2〜3分

私鉄阪神 なんば線、近鉄 難波線(西改札口)・大阪難波駅から徒歩約2〜3分

市バスJR 難波駅前停留所から徒歩1〜3分

  *Enrollment fee: ¥5,000 (only once upon enrollment)

  *Membership fee:60$ USD (a semiannual payment)

​  *Guest participation fee: ¥500 (*) Free online participation

  • 入会金・・・¥5,000(入会時1回のみ)

  • 会費・・・60$ USD (6か月一括払い)

  • ​ゲスト参加費・・・¥500(※)オンライン参加無料

    Currently, even-numbered months are held hybrid (online and venue) and odd-numbered months are held online via Zoom, and there is no guest participation fee for online participation. When you participate as a guest twice, we’d like to confirm your intention to join. Please feel free to join us!



























































































































































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