Today's regular meeting included the two ceremonies. The installation ceremony led by Area Director with her wonderful leadership was dignified, including from the ebullient speech of the outgoing President to the accomplished attitude of the outgoing officers to the motivated attitude of the incoming officers and of course the ebullient speech the in-coming President. We also had guests from Indea and New Zealand.
In addition to that, we welcomed the new member. He is very enthusiastic!
We'll go all out to support him together!!

本日の例会では、2つの式典が行われました。エリアディレクターの素晴らしいリーダーシップのもと、就任式は威厳に満ちていました。退任する会長の熱烈なスピーチ、退任する役員の達成感に満ちた姿勢、新任役員のやる気に満ちた姿勢、そしてもちろん新任会長の熱いスピーチなどです. インドとニュージーランドからのゲストも迎えました。