We had a great online meeting on November 16th on the theme of “Art”.
Although there were no guests, we had a really warm and encouraging meeting, with a wonderful atmosphere for learning from one another.
The well-prepared Table Topics session truly captured the spirit of autumn, and we can’t wait to fully enjoy the season.
All three speakers delivered their interesting and inspiring speeches wonderfully. Their evaluators were also very funny and ‘perspicacious’. (‘perspicacious’ was the Word of the day)
There will be more important events ahead, so let’s take care of our health and recharge our energy this autumn!
3人のスピーカーは、それぞれ興味深く、感動的なスピーチを見事に行いました。論評者もとてもユーモアがあり、鋭い洞察力を示してくれました((「perspicacious(洞察力のある)」はword of the day(本日の単語)でした)
